Queer Clicks: March 24, 2017 | Hilarious Side Of Gay Porn, Would You Drink This Gay Beer?, & Other News

Hilarious Side Of Gay Porn

“Porn is notorious not for the graphic sex, but for the models’ lack of acting chops. Viewers have often cringed as the “actors” attempt dramatic readings of clunky dialogue during inane set-ups that segue into sex scenes, which are what the viewers came for. The sex may be hot, but the “plots” of these films are usually absurd at best.

In Popporn, brought to us by gay actor-director Charles David in conjunction with his production company Border2Border, comedians, gay, straight, male and female, watch clips from gay porn flicks and offer their own tongue-in-cheek commentary about what they see. The results are often sidesplitting.” Bay Area Reporter

Would You Drink This Gay Beer?

“Behind the admittedly hilarious surface of this new video form Drew Droege and Louis Virtel is a weirdly real phenomenon: At what point is something so bad that it’s actually good?

Mel Brooks tackled the question in The Producers, John Waters has built a career out of it, and does anyone remember David Bowie’s 1976 film The Man Who Fell to Earth? Watch that and try to tell us it’s good. You can’t; it’s not. But it’s also somehow amazing and perfect. ” Queerty

Jack Photographed By Scallywag Fox

Photographer: Scallywag Fox

” East London photographer has shared this new black and white photo set of stunning model Jack” Accidental Bear

Mar 24, 2017 By Dave 1 Comment